2008年11月26日 星期三


Rebuilding the eee kernel on eeePC

上一篇文章之後仍然沒有成功,安裝過程一直出現"kernel module"錯誤的訊息,直到Rebuilding the eee kernel on eeePC 在make後從新安裝virtualbox就成功了,目前就是在eeepc上的 virtualbox中安裝了xp後打的這份文件,當成功的那一刻真是興奮,畢竟是不才的我花了約一週在網路上查相關資料,也下載了virtualbox官網的說明,查了些字典(英文不好沒辦法),終於成功,哈哈爽爽爽

1. Install the development tools

2. download the kernel for you eeepc from ASUS support website: http://support.asus.com/download/Download.aspx?SLanguage=en-us or from here

3. unpack this file by running the unrar command (in a terminal window, Ctrl+Alt+T):
unrar x Linux_Kernel_071127.rar
4. install linux-source-
dpkg --install linux-source-
5. unpack linux source code tarball:
cd /usr/src; tar xvjf linux-source-; cd linux-source-
cp /boot/config- .config
7. Now to actually compile it (use default answers, i.e. just press Enter when asked to choose). this will take about 30 minutes:
The kernel image built will be in arch/i386/boot/bzImage. Copy it to /boot and modify the kernel line in /boot/grub/menu.lst to use the new kernel

8. If you configured any new parts of the kernel as “modules”, you will also have to do “make modules_install”. To use the new module, you can either symbolically link the new linux source to /lib/modules/ or copy the new modules to the /lib/modules/ and then run “depmod -a”

install virtualbox on eeepc


Installing VirtualBox isn't too hard to do. I'm using 512MB of RAM at the moment and running off a 32GB Corsair Flash drive. It works fine, albeit a little slowly. I have a 1GB DDR-2 stick waiting for me when I get home in the new year, and I'm hoping this should improve performance considerably.

Please note, that I've done this from memory - but when I get a chance I'll try this on a clean machine.

First things first, add the Xandros repos, as well as the VirtualBox repos. The xandros package from VirtualBox doesn't work - you need to use the debian etch package.

Open a terminal (CTRL+ALT+T) and then edit your apt sources list:

Code: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

Then add the following lines to the end of the file. Paste them in by pressing both mouse buttons together.

Code: deb http://xnv4.xandros.com/xs2.0/upkg-srv2 etch main contrib non-freedeb http://www.VirtualBox.org/debian etch non-free

"CTRL+X" will quit - press y to save when asked.

Back at the console, we need to install the build-essential package, as we need to compile some kernel headers for VitualBox to use. This includes make etc.

Code: sudo apt-get install build-essential

Next, we need to download the kernel source. At the time of writing, the EeePC uses You can find out by running the following command in the console:

Code: uname -r

The source can be found at http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/

Download the source and place it in /usr/src/ - you may need to create this folder first.

Code: sudo mkdir /usr/src

From the console, go to /usr/src and extract the source.

Code: cd /usr/src

tar -xf ./linux-

You then need to create a symbolic link, as the VirtualBox install program expects the source to be in /usr/src/linux.

Code: sudo ln /usr/src/linux- /usr/src/linux -s

Now, we need to set up the build.

Code: cd /usr/src/linux
sudo make oldconfig && sudo make prepare

Assuming all goes well, lets compile. As there are only a few things needed, you can cancel the build by pressing "CTRL + C" after as soon as you see "modpost" come up on the screen - for me this was after 10-15 seconds. If you have other applications that need headers, feel free to let it compile entirely - it took around 30 minutes when plugged into the mains.

Code: sudo make all

Now, we should be able to install VirtualBox.
Code: sudo apt-get install virtualbox

You'll find there are a couple of dependencies that will be installed from the Xandros repos.

Annoyingly, the VirtualBox service doesn't start when the computer does because of the way Xandros has been setup. There are two methods for this that spring to mind - method two is my preferred.

Method One

Code: sudo nano /usr/sbin/services.sh

At the end of the file add:
Code: /etc/init.d/vboxdrv start
/etc/init.d/vboxnet start

With this method, I have found you can't launch VirtualBox straight away, as it is last on the list it won't happen until the network etc. is up. Not ideal if you're impatient.

Method Two (Preferred)

With this method, we'll start the vbox services each time we launch VirtualBox, which also stops having the services unneccessarily loaded when we aren't using them.

Firstly, edit ourselves a new file for the script code to be in.

sudo nano /bin/vboxrun
And then paste the following code in, by pressing both mouse buttons together.


sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv start
sudo /etc/init.d/vboxnet start


sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv stop

sudo /etc/init.d/vboxnet stop

Then give this script execution rights.


sudo chmod +x /bin/vboxrun


Finally, we want to add this to the AsusLauncher, which is where my asusadd script comes in handy - http://forum.eeeuser.com/viewtopic.php?id=6645

If you've followed method one, you can add this by running:

sudo asusadd Work VirtualBox /usr/bin/VirtualBox

Or for my preferred method two:
sudo asusadd Work VirtualBox /bin/vboxrun

Happy Virtualizing!

2008年11月24日 星期一



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